How to care for a dog during heat? Feeding the dog natural food or dry, natural products recipes

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When a four-legged pet goes into heat, not only the animal is deprived of peace. The owner of the dog also has to deal with worries and unwanted events. A trained pet becomes capricious and uncontrollable, constantly looking for adventure. Dark red mucus is released from the animal's loop. This moment sometimes causes inconvenience to the animal owner. Caring owners ask veterinarians whether it is possible to bathe a dog during heat.

External manifestations of estrus (estrus) are the tip of the complex “iceberg” of canine physiology. Under the influence of hormones, the animal's behavior changes radically. To avoid problems, it is important for the owner to know what to do with the dog during heat.

Estrus first begins in dogs at six to twelve months. It is a sign of puberty for the four-legged “bride.”

Here are the signs by which you can tell that your dog is going into heat:

  • the appearance of bloody discharge from the “causal site”;
  • increased loop size;
  • frequent urination;
  • persistent flirting with male dogs. This behavior will be noticeable in a dog at the height of estrus (from the ninth to the fourteenth day of this period);
  • wayward behavior. An obedient pet turns into a wild, disorderly creature. The dog does not respond to the owner's commands;
  • decreased appetite.

Frightening changes in dog character

A sensitive person understands what is a test for his dog. He is unlikely to have the desire to scold the animal for disobedience. But sometimes a bitch behaves in such a way that an inexperienced owner can become confused.

It is not uncommon for a cute dog to turn into a rebel. On the street she tries to run away from her owner. The bitch is also “capricious” indoors and shows disobedience.

Other oddities sometimes arise in the behavior of the four-legged “bride.” The dog becomes overly intrusive, pestering its owner with affection day and night.

When a dog goes into heat, the animal may behave with other females. This is how the ancient instinct operates, forcing dogs to see a rival in each individual of their sex, and a “fatal passion” in each male dog.

When should a bitch be shown to a specialist?

Realizing that estrus is not something to joke about, you will begin to be attentive to the well-being and behavior of your pet.

You should be wary if your animal develops one of the ailments listed below during estrus:

  • heat;
  • brown discharge with a repulsive odor;
  • constant drowsiness;
  • strengthened in relation to your family members;
  • bleeding;
  • refusal to eat.

Do not try to prescribe treatment for your dog yourself. Only an experienced veterinarian can decide how to help your ward!

The article provides general information about the best diet to choose for puppies or adult dogs, but you should always understand that in a particular case there may be certain features, knowledge of which allows you to achieve optimal results and prevent the occurrence of unpleasant situations.

It is worth paying attention to dog treats that will help your pet be cheerful and healthy.

If you still have questions after reading the proposed material or have your own recommendations and practical tips, you should leave them in the comments, as they may be useful to someone, and you can also get answers to any questions.

Nutrition for dogs to build muscle mass, gain weight, shine and beautiful coat, increase hemoglobin

Protein shakes and foods containing gamma-orinazole help increase muscle gain. To gain weight, dog breeding gurus recommend switching animals to one meal in the evening. The volume of food should be such that the animal is full, which is called “to satiety”.

To add shine and beauty to the coat, a few drops of unrefined sunflower oil should be added to the dog’s diet every day, and a raw egg yolk should be given once a week. To increase hemoglobin, veterinarians usually recommend giving the animal more meat and liver, as well as supplements containing iron.

Proper nutrition for a dog daily menu for diet, gastrointestinal inflammation, gastritis, pancreatitis and cholecystitis, urolithiasis, obesity

Proper feeding of a dog with inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, pancreatitis and cholecystitis, urolithiasis and obese animals means that food should be steamed and given pureed. An approximate daily menu for a dog on a diet includes a piece of lean meat, slimy cereal soup or vegetable puree, low-fat cottage cheese and fermented milk products.

Feeding the dog natural food or dry, natural products recipes

The phrase “a dog’s diet must be balanced” has become so hackneyed that it is repeated wherever it comes to feeding pets. Maintaining a balance of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins is the goal of natural feeding and the components of feed offered by the industry in dry form. All recipes for the food the dog receives should be based on this principle.

Nutrition for a dog with diabetes, a diseased liver, pancreas, or a diseased heart

The diet of a diabetic dog should not be high in protein. The animal's diet should include more complex fibrous carbohydrates. For dogs with a diseased liver, boiled fish, lean meat, boiled vegetables, and low-fat dairy products are recommended.

In the diet of a dog with a diseased pancreas, protein products should prevail - fish, cottage cheese and meat, which are given to the animal in ground form. If there are problems with the heart, it is useful for dogs to eat boiled fish. The amount of fat should be limited and salt intake should be kept to a minimum.

Feeding a dog after poisoning, childbirth, piroplasmosis, tick bite, enteritis

After poisoning, childbirth, tick bites, as well as when suffering from piroplasmosis and enteritis, the dog is unlikely to want to eat and you should not insist on this in any way. The animal will calmly endure a one-day fast, but at the same time it should be able to drink water in any quantity.

Feeding a dog during estrus, pregnancy, illness, in the heat, during the year and the first days of life

In the first days of life, the puppy must receive mother's milk - its further development depends on this.

How to feed a dog at one year of age, or during estrus or pregnancy? Yes, just like in the less prosaic days of its existence - with ready-made dry food or a variety of natural foods.

An exception to the menu can be made in hot weather and in case of illness of the pet. Then you can keep the dog on a starvation diet for a couple of days, making sure that the animal’s bowl does not contain any clean drink.

Vegetarian, meat-free dog food

Vegetarianism is not inherent in animals such as dogs. Only Vitya Perestukin from “The Land of Unlearned Lessons” could call dogs “herbivores.”

Do not torture animals and give them the opportunity to eat what their non-vegetarian ancestors have long eaten.

Caring for a small puppy does not give the owner any special worries; the main thing is to ensure that the pet is fed, vaccinated and healthy. But as the dog grows up, the owner’s worries increase, especially when the dog begins puberty. And if there is practically no hassle with males during this period, then the owners of females have a much more difficult time. After all, females who have reached the age of one year begin to go into estrus, which signals that the female is ready for procreation. What is the duration of a dog's heat, how to care for her during this delicate period, and are there ways to prevent an unwanted pregnancy?

When does a dog first go into heat?

There are no standard dates for the first heat in dogs, because everything here will depend on the physiological characteristics of the female, her state of health and even on the breed.

Four-legged pets reach puberty between seven and twelve months of age. Therefore, it can begin both in a seven-month-old pet and in a female who is twelve to fourteen months old. Some animals do not show any signs of estrus until they are one and a half years old, and this is considered the norm and not a deviation.

Puberty in dogs begins at the age of 7-12 months.

Small breeds

Small dog breeds, such as the Yorkshire terrier, dachshund or lapdog, mature slightly faster than their larger relatives. In these miniature creatures, spotting, indicating the onset of the first heat, may appear as early as at six to eight months .

In Yorkshire Terriers, sexual maturity occurs at 6 months.

Large breeds

Females of large breeds (German Shepherds, Alabais, St. Bernards) mature more slowly, so wait for their first heat before they turn twelve to fifteen months not worth it.

Alabais experience their first heat at about a year old.

False heat

Often young females who have never given birth to offspring experience the so-called false heat. It manifests itself in the fact that the dog experiences discharge from the genitals for several days, then it disappears, and after a while it starts again. This phenomenon is considered quite normal, because the hormonal background of animals has not yet stabilized and the dog’s body needs some time to adapt to puberty.

False estrus often occurs in young females.

Important: the most common misconception among owners is that a dog cannot become pregnant during a false heat. During this period, there is a high probability of conception, therefore, if the owner does not plan to nurse puppies, then he should limit his pet’s interaction with individuals of the opposite sex.

What signs can you use to determine if a dog is in heat?

Drops of blood on the sofa and floor, frequent urination, strange behavior uncharacteristic of a dog - all these symptoms indicate that the female has gone into heat.

Signs of heat:

  • My pet asks to go outside to the toilet more often than usual. At the same time, the female can mark with his urine every bush and every tree. In rare cases, the dog begins to pee in the house, trying to mark all corners and pieces of furniture with its scent.
  • Bloody discharge oozes from the female's genitals having a specific odor. In all places where the pet sat or lay, bloody drops remain, indicating that she has begun to go into heat.
  • Sometimes During this period, animals begin to shed intensively , leaving clumps of fur all over the house.
  • When a dog is taken for a walk, it shows an active interest in all the male dogs running past. In this case, the pet can try to break off the leash and run away from the owner.
  • During the period of estrus, the character of the animal also changes. Sometimes a favorite becomes overly excited and playful or behaves disobediently, not responding to the owner’s comments and commands. Some females, on the contrary, melt lethargic and sad , do not want to play and even lose their appetite.
  • A sign of heat can also be the fact that the dog often licks his genitals , in particular after each trip to the toilet.
  • Representatives of large breeds can act angry and aggressive even towards the owner. Therefore, it is advisable to limit walking with the dog, especially in places where children walk.

Frequent urination can be a symptom of estrus.

If the period of estrus coincides with the training and education of the dog, then classes must be postponed, since at this time the animal is not able to perceive and remember commands.

Duration and cycles of estrus

Regardless of whether the owner plans to breed from his dog or does not intend to allow his dog to produce puppies, he it is necessary to record the frequency and duration of the pet’s estrus . In the first case, this is necessary so that the female gives birth to healthy babies, and in the second, to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.

In young and healthy dogs (aged one and a half to seven years), estrus occurs Twice a year. Elderly representatives of the dog tribe are going through this delicate period once a year. But do not forget that animals have no such thing as menopause, so females do not stop estrus until the end of their lives.

Young dogs go into heat twice a year.

Interestingly, there is a breed of dogs that only go into heat once a year - Siberian huskies.

The duration of estrus depends on the size, breed and even nutrition of the dog and its duration ranges from twenty to twenty-eight days.


There are the following phases of estrus:

  • Initial stage of estrus - proestrus lasts eight to ten days and manifests itself in copious bloody discharge from the female’s vagina. During this period, the dog’s mood often changes; it can be either playful or apathetic. The female responds to the interest of the opposite sex with aggression and does not allow males to approach her.
  • From the tenth to the seventeenth day begins estrus, the most active phase of estrus. At this stage, the discharge almost stops, and the pet's genitals swell and become red. It is during the period of estrus that the female experiences strong sexual arousal and this is the most favorable time for conception.
  • Beginning of the third phase - metaestrus falls on the seventeenth to twenty-third day of estrus. The female's excitement begins to subside, and she stops responding to the males' courtship.
  • The period between heats is called anestrus. At this time, the dog regains strength after estrus, and its hormonal system returns to normal.

At the initial stage of estrus, the dog may experience apathy.

If a dog is in heat three or four times a year, this may indicate that her hormones are not all right or that she has serious diseases associated with the reproductive system. Therefore, the owner should consult a veterinarian about this.

Older dogs

In old females, signs of estrus are not as pronounced as in young dogs, and their Duration and frequency may become irregular. But this does not mean at all that an elderly pet is not capable of becoming a mother, and cases where females who have reached the age of ten give birth to offspring are not uncommon.

In older dogs, estrus becomes irregular.

Caring for a dog during heat

The dog’s body at this time is weakened and susceptible to various diseases, and it needs special care and attention from the owner. To help your pet survive this delicate period without harm to its health, you should follow several rules.

  • Walk your dog only under supervision, without removing the leash! Under no circumstances should your pet be allowed to walk uncontrollably on the street during the heat period, especially if the owner does not plan to get offspring from her. Another danger is that a male that is too large may mate with a female, and this can lead to rupture of the vagina or uterus.
  • It is not recommended to bathe your four-legged pet in a river or pond at this time.. The fact is that a dog’s genitals are open during estrus, so there is a high probability that an infection may enter her body.
  • If there are other pets in the house, it is advisable to limit their interaction with the dog. . During this period, many females become hostile and aggressive, and there may be cases of attacks on a cat or other dog living with her.
  • To prevent your pet from leaving bloody discharge all over the house, you can put on special panties or a baby diaper.. It is also advisable to take your dog out for a walk in these panties, this will help avoid unwanted pregnancy.
  • If the owner planned to participate in an exhibition or competition for his pet, and she went into heat at that time, That the event must be canceled . During this period, the animal does not listen to commands well and may react inadequately to other dogs and people around it.

During the period of heat, the dog should only be walked on a leash.

A dog during heat becomes very sensitive and vulnerable, so you should not scold or punish your pet. Only attention and care from the owner will help the dog survive this period without.

Heat interruption and contraception for dogs: pros and cons

A four-legged pet in heat causes a lot of inconvenience to the owner, from traces of blood on carpets and upholstered furniture to the appearance of unwanted offspring. Therefore, many owners resort to methods such as interrupting estrus using contraception. Is it possible to do this? Do such drugs pose a danger to the health of the animal?

Is it dangerous to give your dog contraception?


Exist special contraceptives for dogs, which not only shorten the duration of estrus and reduce the female’s sexual arousal, but also prevent pregnancy, even after mating with a male.

But do not forget that estrus is a natural physiological process for the animal and, if it is interrupted prematurely, it can harm the dog. In addition, frequent the use of contraceptives can provoke the development of tumors and cancers, which often cause the death of a pet.

Therefore, giving such drugs to a dog is extremely undesirable and is permissible only in exceptional cases, for example, if the dog needs urgent surgery, but due to estrus it is problematic to do this.

It is advisable to use contraception in extreme cases.


For owners who do not want their pet to bring puppies every year, the best solution would be animal sterilization. Dogs tolerate this operation quite easily, and it guarantees that the female will never become pregnant.

Sterilization ensures that the dog will not become pregnant.

Mating and estrus

Sometimes the opposite situation happens: the owner plans to breed the pet, but she does not come into heat. In these cases, you can seek help from a veterinarian , which artificially causes this process with special drugs, which, by the way, does not harm the animal at all.

Artificially inducing heat does not harm the dog.


Stray dogs are a consequence of the carelessness of many owners.

The appearance of unfortunate homeless animals is a direct consequence of the carelessness and frivolous attitude of many owners towards their dogs. Therefore, it is so important to control the pet during heat and not allow her to mate with male dogs if the owner does not know what to do with the puppies and often acts inhumanely, killing the babies. The loss of puppies is a great stress for a dog, and in order to avoid such situations, every owner must treat his pet responsibly and not allow her to roam freely on the street during the period of heat.

Video about identifying estrus in dogs

I advise anyone whose doctor recommends active movement, fresh air and walks to get a dog.

There is a lot of advice from well-meaning doctors that we listen to carefully, but we do not follow. This primarily includes prolonged exercise in the fresh air. What the doctor cannot achieve, the dog achieves. It is for her that we go for a walk. And these walks are never boring, because our four-legged friend either makes us jog or sets us a lot of new tasks ().

I advise getting a dog for those who want a living creature nearby in their lonely hours.

No animal becomes as close to a person as a dog. When an internal connection is established between them, the dog senses changes in the person’s mood and shares with him all his joys and sorrows ().

I advise middle-aged spouses, whose children, having become adults, have fluttered out of their nest, to get a dog, and I assure you that the four-legged friend will be the most beloved member of the family.

The dog must be looked after with maternal care, affection and tenderness. However, at the same time, thoughtful, persistent education is necessary, which causes a lot of trouble and becomes everyday hard work. However, do not forget that the dog will repay you for all this with love and loyalty.

For anyone who is indifferent or even disgusted with animals, who does not imagine that they can be treated with love, who sees in an animal only a creature governed by instinct, I do NOT advise getting a dog.

The relationship between a person and a dog is built on the basis of reciprocity, and therefore is determined by mutual attention and love. A person who does not have such qualities and cannot establish appropriate contact with an animal will never have a good relationship with a dog; at best, they can be tolerant.

What should you think about before buying a dog?

You need to think carefully about the purpose and consequences of buying a dog in advance.

Toy dogs are, in most cases, cute, unemployed four-legged friends. Guard and service dogs must undergo a course of special training, but even after this, they need to be trained regularly. Hunting dogs, as their name implies, are directly related to hunting (). City and countryside, separate house and apartment create completely different living conditions for a dog.

When buying a dog, we must remember that our purchase may be approved or rejected by those who live next to us.

For those who live in a rural or suburban area where houses are not crowded together, there is, in most cases, no need to worry about neighbors. The conditions are similar in a single-family home, even in a big city, since the loudness of our dog's barking is fully compensated by the tax we pay for it. The smaller the distance between rooms, the more you need to take into account the opinions of the people you live next to. However, basically it is still more a matter of raising the dog (and beyond). We can keep a dog in a small apartment only if we raise it correctly.

In order to keep a dog in an apartment you rent, you must obtain permission from the owner of the apartment before purchasing the dog.

The permission is recorded in the relevant agreement, and must be in writing. If special circumstances arise, the person renting the apartment may refuse his permission, although this happens extremely rarely.

In various republics and regions of the Soviet Union, traditionally there have been different attitudes towards hunting, decorative and service-sporting dogs. To keep a dog in a communal (shared) apartment, the mandatory consent of all its residents is required everywhere, the same when renting a room, apartment or house. Before purchasing a dog, you should familiarize yourself with these regulations for your area.


If the yard of the house you live in does not have a specially equipped area, it cannot be a walking area for your dog.

The piles that your dog inevitably leaves on the beds, flower beds, playgrounds or paths are fraught with troubles in relations with your neighbors, which causes unnecessary disputes. Relationships develop completely differently if the dog is raised in such a way that it does all its business in a certain place.

Dog barking is often perceived by neighbors with displeasure and irritation.

A dog can greet guests with a cheerful bark. She immediately notifies of their arrival, complementing the doorbell. In principle, there is nothing special about this. It’s worse if this loud barking irritates nervous neighbors on the landing. With patient training, you can turn a gibberish dog into a pleasant resident of the house (and beyond). In addition, there are breeds of dogs that react so restrainedly to the arrival of strangers, a call, a knock on the door or telephone that they practically do not disturb their neighbors ().

The dog must fit the size of the apartment.

In small spaces or rooms filled with furniture, a large dog will always disturb someone, making it feel uncomfortable, lethargic and sad. “Better small than big” - this principle should be followed in this case. There are many breeds, whose representatives will be able to have their own little corner in a tiny apartment, where they will feel like full owners. It should be borne in mind that different breeds of dogs have different temperaments (and so on).

The dog should have the opportunity to run freely every day.

A lot depends on the size and breed of the dog. In a big city, where, in addition to the abundance of transport, there are also strict regulations requiring her to be kept on a leash in parks and squares, this task often becomes difficult to accomplish. In any case, a daily walk, at least half an hour, is very beneficial for the health of dog owners ().

Single, working people should think carefully before purchasing a dog.

A faithful dog will be a particularly dear friend to such people (). But someone who leaves home in the morning and returns only in the afternoon, and even more so in the evening, can afford to have a dog only if someone takes care of it during the day. Any dog ​​needs to be walked three to four times daily. Forced retention of urine for many hours is only torment for the animal, which ultimately has a detrimental effect on its health (,)…

A child can be left unattended with a dog only when he is old enough and understands that he should not be allowed to lick him, that he should not grab his face with his hands while playing, and that after playing they should be washed thoroughly.


For anyone who is getting a dog for the first time, I advise buying a male rather than a female.

A bitch goes into heat twice a year, then the smell emanating from her attracts male dogs from everywhere, which can easily lead to complications. While in heat, she must be under close supervision at all times so that she does not end up with unwanted puppies. This, of course, is easier to advise than to implement in practice (and beyond).

If you have enough time and are capable of love and affection, I advise you to definitely buy a puppy.

A puppy at the age of two to three months easily and willingly obeys its owner as the “leader of the pack” () and from the very first day it will become a dear creature to you. True, raising him will require you to perform a variety of tasks that require time and the ability to penetrate into the inner world of the animal. If someone does not want or cannot fulfill these two conditions, he should choose a dog at the age of 6-10 months, which has already received a strict but kind upbringing, as a result of which it has been weaned from most bad habits.

It is always better to buy a purebred dog than a dog of unknown origin ().

Each dog breed is the result of many years of targeted selection. Thanks to selection, certain properties and uniform external characteristics inherent in the corresponding breed are achieved, which are considered the best and are inherited practically unchanged. Looking at a puppy, it is difficult to recognize what will ultimately become of it. Typical signs inherent in the breed clearly appear only after six months ().

You should not buy an old dog.

“The older you get, the harder it is” - this also applies to animals. The initial character traits of a dog are inextricably linked with its upbringing, so it is unlikely that anything can be changed here. Any new environment for a dog born to live in a pack will remain alien for a long time, and a real sense of loyalty to the new owner, the new “leader of the pack” (), is achieved, as a rule, with great difficulty.

A gifted puppy should not be a burden, but a joy.

Purebred dogs are given away relatively rarely.

If there are five or six charming puppies in a basket, the origin of which is unknown on the father's side, and the owner's family wants to save the lives of all or some of them, then giving away remains the only solution to the problem. After all, a mongrel can be faithful, devoted and worthy of love, and sometimes even as beautiful as a purebred dog. However, in most cases, she exhibits too clearly characteristic features that do not at all indicate a “noble” origin. Who would want to show up on the street with a cross between a Pomeranian and a Dachshund?

You can write off the costs of buying a dog on the first day, and make a preliminary estimate for current expenses.

Current expenses:

The costs for points 1 and 2 do not depend on the size and breed of the dog.

3. The cost of feeding a dog will, of course, depend on its size and breed.

For some breeds, there are additional costs for trimming or cutting (,), depending on the fashion and requests of the owner.

To be on the safe side, include a visit to the veterinarian in your preliminary estimate.

Mating and pregnancy

For mating, you need to bring a male dog with a female dog during her heat.

Estrus occurs every 5-6 months, mostly in spring and autumn, and lasts 2.5-3, sometimes up to 4 weeks. During the main period of estrus, from the 10th to the 16th day from its beginning (when blood begins to flow from the loop), the bitch is especially willing to let a male dog approach her, almost indiscriminately. The prerequisite is that the partners are approximately the same size.

It is preferable to breed during spring rather than autumn estrus.

Raising and training puppies and young dogs is easier and with less risk in the warm season than in winter. In addition, spring droppings are more consistent with natural conditions.

Even after a successful mating, the bitch repeatedly allows not only the same male, but also others to approach her.

As a result of this, she can be fertilized many times by different males, which can cause the appearance of mixed-breed puppies. (). Therefore, you must take care (,) that the bitch, during her heat, which is still ongoing after mating, is not covered by other males.

The union of a dog and a bitch during mating must not be interrupted by forceful intervention.

The mating itself lasts 20-30 minutes, since the male’s penis swells and withdraws slowly, which prevents rapid separation from the female. Any outside interference is unacceptable. Sometimes, especially in cases of unwanted mating, the dogs are pulled apart or doused with water, after which they are separated from fright. As a result, the dog can be seriously injured and even die due to loss of blood.

The agreement to pay the owner of the dog money for mating takes place in advance.

The “fee” depends on how much a given dog breed is worth and how rare the breed is. However, in any case, the price should not exceed the price of an eight-week-old puppy.

U We are usually stipulated in the mating act for the mating fee (the owner of the male dog is usually given the puppy for sale or its cost). Don’t forget to do this to avoid possible conflicts. If there is only one puppy in the litter, it is given to the owner of the bitch.


Only 5 weeks after mating can it be determined whether the bitch has been fertilized.

She begins to show a tendency towards laziness, and a certain roundness of the silhouette behind the ribs becomes noticeable. The duration of pregnancy is about 9 weeks. A few hours before giving birth, the bitch begins to show noticeable anxiety.

Under no circumstances should you overfeed a pregnant bitch.

Weight gain due to fat deposits does not benefit future puppies, but only complicates childbirth. At this time, you should improve the quality of the feed by adding raw eggs, a lot of liver, and veal bones with enough meat left on them. We must ensure that the food contains a lot of vitamins. To do this, add carrots, spinach, fruits and various vegetables to your dog’s diet. It is highly recommended to give 1 teaspoon of fish oil daily. It is also necessary to take into account that at this time the need for fluid for enhanced kidney lavage increases.

A pregnant dog needs to be given a good walk every day.

The opportunity to have a good run in the fresh air in sunny weather will certainly benefit future puppies. Starting from the 5th week of pregnancy, the dog must be treated with special care. During walks, she should no longer run and jump, or wear heavy carrying items.

If a dog is mated but not fertilized, a false pregnancy may occur.

Its signs correspond to the signs of real pregnancy: increased appetite, increased volume of the body, a tendency to laziness. Sometimes the dog even makes a kind of nest for himself. In about 9 weeks she will be slimmer again. This will happen due to the fact that milk will begin to flow intensively into the nipples. In this case, you need to place other people's puppies near the dog or limit its diet so much (do not give oatmeal, for example) so that milk production is reduced, otherwise mastitis may occur, which will have to be treated only with the help of a veterinarian.

In a healthy dog, heat occurs no more than twice a year and lasts 3...4 weeks.

Sexual cycle

The owner intending to breed a bitch must record the exact date of the first and next estrus in order to calculate the expected period of the third estrus, during which mating should be carried out.

Estruses that do not end with fertilization are called empty nests. The first estrus may be false, short-lived, and end without ovulation. The dog's reproductive cycle is divided into four stages:

  • Proestrus - preceding the onset of estrus. Lasts 7...10 days.
  • Estrus (rut) or sexual heat. Duration 8-10 days.
  • Metaestrus (diestrus). Decaying phase of estrus. Lasts for several days.
  • Anestrus. Sexual rest, lasting about six months or more.

During the proestrus phase, the vulva swells due to increased blood flow to the reproductive organs. The first spotting indicates approaching ovulation. The bitch is not yet prepared for mating, but is already capricious. During walks he often urinates and marks his territory. Flirts with suitors, but stops attempts to mate with a growl. If a bitch lives in an apartment, then she is capable of dirtying the entire environment, so dog handlers recommend wearing special underpants these days.

Ovulation occurs when the heat phase begins. A dog handler can judge a bitch’s readiness for mating by the change in color of the discharge to pink or its complete cessation. The female allows the male to approach and takes a position convenient for mating.

Metaestrus ends estrus. The discharge stops, the vulva shrinks, and the bitch stops accepting males. If pregnancy has not occurred, a state of rest sets in. Disruption of hormonal changes causes symptoms of false pregnancy, but they soon end without causing harm to the health of the female.

Before domestication, dogs lived in the wild, so breeding periods are characterized by seasonality. The most favorable time for procreation is early summer, so dogs living outdoors come into heat in early spring. A person is able to provide his pet with greenhouse conditions; in such an environment, the seasonal factor is smoothed out, but not eliminated - the rut begins in the fall and at the end of winter.


The dog owner determines the onset of the next reproductive cycle in a bitch by the following signs:

  • The female becomes active, playful and capricious.
  • There are many desires to empty the bladder.
  • The bitch attracts the attention of males.
  • Bloody discharge on the litter becomes noticeable.
  • A week later, the discharge becomes discolored. At this time, the bitch provokes the males.

What to do?

The owner needs to decide whether he wants to get offspring from his pet. If not, he must keep the following in mind:

  • You can't let the bitch off the leash. During heat she is uncontrollable.
  • It is necessary to protect the pet from males. If a shrinkage has occurred, it is impossible to pull them apart.
  • Bitches in heat are prohibited from attending exhibitions.
  • The reproductive tract of a female during estrus is an open gate of infection, so the female should not be allowed to swim in open water.

There are medications that can stop estrus or prevent the development of fetuses after accidental mating. The owner of the bitch must keep in mind that these are drugs that are sex hormones. They are capable of starting the process of formation of a malignant tumor. An alternative to contraception is sterilization.

Abnormal heat

Sometimes estrus is asymptomatic. Signs of proestrus appear - behavior changes, the vulva swells, but there is little discharge: the bitch constantly licks it off, but the owner does not notice. In some cases, all symptoms are absent, but the dog is in heat, and during a walk an unplanned mating occurs with an oncoming mongrel.

Bloodless heat is a reason to seek veterinary help. Laboratory tests of a vaginal smear in combination with a blood test can determine that the bitch is in heat. Additional studies determine the dog’s hormonal status and the presence of concomitant diseases.

If a month has passed since the onset of signs of estrus, and the discharge does not stop, it is necessary to undergo a thorough veterinary examination. If the young female is feeling well and tests do not show pathological changes, then we are talking about juvenile proestrus. No treatment required. The young dog is being watched. Typically, the discharge stops within 7 weeks and there are no relapses.

Prolonged estrus in older animals requires additional diagnostic tests to detect hormonal imbalance, vulvovaginitis or neoplasm.